Tag Archives: Office of Letters & Light

April is National Novel Writing Month (well, one of them)

Okay, okay. The “official” National Novel Writing Month is November. BUT! The Office of Letters and Light is wonderful and set up a CAMP NANOWRIMO for those of us who are impatient for November every year. Aww man. It is my favorite time of the year! I hate it because I always fail, but I love it because I– I have no idea. Probably because it’s fun. (Yes, I know, you probably think I have a bogus idea of what “fun” is)

NaNoWriMo is a program which encourages you to write a fifty thousand word novel in thirty days. There are many branches of the program:

  • NaNoWriMo (The mother of all NaNo events, which happens each year in November)
  • NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program (where young NaNoers get to personalize their word count goal)
  • Camp NaNoWriMo (an event similar to regular NaNo, but you have the option of being assigned to a cabin and an adjustable WCG. I love their ‘tagline’: An idyllic writer’s retreat, smack-dab in the middle of your crazy life. In past years, it’s happened in June and August, but this year they will be in April and July)
  • Script Frenzy (which I have yet to participate in, but look forward to doing someday)
  • Night of Writing Dangerously (an all night writing shindig in San Francisco)

These are just the events that I remember off the top of my head. NaNo is just… AHH!!! It’s awesome. I love my cabin this year. Everyone is so involved! I, being the social butterfly/group leader that I am *giggles toward people who know me* ask all sorts of questions (“Are you a pantser* or an outliner?” “How long have you been writing?” “What’s your opinion on fanny packs?”) and they answer! Crazy…

I started writing a story about a boy named Benedict McLove (odd name, but it plays a part in the story), and I realized that I don’t know enough about what I want to do with it to make it worth my while. I might continue it someday, but not this month. Instead, I’m continuing the sequel to the book I wrote last year. It’s about a boy named Liam. It’ll hopefully be available on Amazon as an e-book sometime this year, but… you can never be sure! I’ve still got some editing to do.

So this April, I’ll be busy. I am a Junior in high school, but I’m homeschooled! I can’t imagine a better predicament to be in as a NaNoer. Lots of high school students participate, but they all have a set amount of time they need to be in school. I can do all my work in, like, two or three hours and get straight to writing. I don’t have clubs to go to, or sports, or play practice, or whatever. This is one reason I’m glad I’m homeschooled; I can do fun things! 😉

PS: to the people of The Office of Letters and Light: I LOVE YOU.

PPS: If you’ve ever participated in NaNoWriMo in any way, shape, or form, let me know! It’s always great to hear from a fellow WriMo. 🙂

*A pantser is someone who writes by the seat of their pants. I am a pantser, usually, though I always have an idea of where I’d like to go… though that’s rarely the case. All my stinking characters are waaaay bossy!